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Borrowing books

See how to borrow books and other items and find out about our postal loan service.
Our collection covers a wide range of subjects including accountancy, auditing, law, taxation, finance and management. We can offer current and historic accounting standards, legal textbooks, technical guides and manuals, disclosure checklists, model documents, ICAEW publications and much more. The majority of titles are available for loan, even outside of the UK.

We offer a free postal loan service for ICAEW members, ACA students and other permitted users. Just contact us with the details of the items you want to borrow and we'll mail them to you – email library@icaew.com or telephone +44 (0)20 7920 8620.

Can't wait? We also have an extensive collection of eBooks, accessible instantly online.

  • Who can borrow books?
    • Members and registered students of the ICAEW
    • Members (but not students) of ICAS and CAI
    • UK-based members of GAA bodies.

    See Who can use the Library & Information Service? for more information and any exceptions.

  • How many books can I borrow?

    Up to four books can be borrowed at any one time.

  • How much does it cost?

    Books will be sent to you by 1st class post, free of charge. However, you just pay the return postage.

  • Can I reserve a book?

    If a book is on loan to another member you can place a reservation on it. If there is a reservation already on the item you will be next on the waiting list to borrow the book.

    To place a reservation please contact the library on library@icaew.com or call us on +44 (0)20 7920 8620

  • How are books sent out?

    Books are sent out by Royal Mail using first class post.

    Please note that the Royal Mail has introduced a new delivery system. If you have not opted out, items that do not fit through your letter box may be delivered to another address in your area if you are not at home to receive them. The Library has no control over the actual address Royal Mail delivers post to once it has been sent out from us addressed to you. See https://www.royalmail.com/ for more details.

  • How long do I have the book for?

    The initial lending period is three weeks. You can renew the book up to four times as long as it hasn't been requested by another member.

  • Can I send someone to pick up items on my behalf?

    Yes, as long as they have a signed letter from you authorising them to collect the books that you have borrowed.

  • How do I renew my books?

    Provided no other member has placed a reservation on the book you can renew it up to four times.

    To renew a book please go to the online catalogue and click on 'Renew My Materials'. A step by step guide to the online renewal system is available from our renewing books page.

  • How do I return the book?

    Books can be returned in person or by post. A return address label is enclosed with postal loans. Borrowers are responsible for the books until they have been received by the library and you are responsible for the return postage.

    Our address for returning books is:

    ICAEW Library & Information Service
    Chartered Accountants’ Hall
    11 Copthall Avenue
    EC2R 7EF

  • Can I use the postal loans service if I am based outside of the UK?

    If you are based in the EU, then the full book loan service is available to you. If you are outside the EU, contact us for more information. We will post books to many locations unless the books are valuable or we are aware of any problems with the local postal service. The initial loan period is four weeks, with four renewals available of three weeks each unless the books are reserved by other users.

    There is no charge for overseas loans. However, you are responsible for the return postage and we do ask that you use a form of international recorded post. As you are responsible for the books until they are received in the library, you may also wish to consider insurance as a package of books may well exceed the often small amount of compensation available with even registered post.

  • Why are some items in store and not in the Library?

    The Library stocks a selection of reference and lending titles but, in order to make room for newer books and journals, we keep older material and some additional copies in an offsite store.

  • How do I request an item from store on loan?

    Ask a member of the enquiry team to request the book for you.

  • How do I request an item from store to use in the library?

    Ask a member of the enquiry team to request the book or journal for you. If you require a large amount of material from store, it is best to contact us about it several days before you wish to visit.

  • Can I borrow journals and magazines?

    No, but we can supply you with copies of articles by email (if available), fax or post through our document supply service.

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